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发布日期:2024-09-13    作者:     来源:赢咖3     点击:





[1] Yongwen Hu, Jianming Shi*Shinya Watanabe. A Revised Algorithm for Solving the Sum of Linear Ratios Problem With Lower Dimension Using Linear Relaxation[J]. International Journal of Operations Research, 2014, 11(1)28-39.

[2] Yongwen Hu, Xiao Zhao, Jing Liu, Binyuan Liang, Chao Ma*.An Efficient Algorithm for Solving Minimum Cost Flow Problem with Complementarity Slack Conditions,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,vol.2020,ArticleID2439265,5pages,2020.https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/2439265.

[3] Yongwen Hu, Qunpo Liu,A Network Flow Algorithm for Solving Generalized Assignment Problem,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,vol.2021,Article ID5803092,8pages,2021.https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/5803092.

[4] Ma C, Huang F, Hu Y*. Game theoretic model for low carbon supply chain under carbon emissions reduction sensitive random demand[J]. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences, 2023, 8(2): 1-18..

[5] Zhang X, Chen G, Zhang L, Hu Y, et al. Modeling of CNC machine tools’ spatial g-eometric error based on two-dimensional angle error[J]. SN Applied Sciences, 2023, 5(1): 20.

[6] Xu Wenxiang Hu Yongwen, Luo Wei,et al. A multi-objective scheduling method for distributed and flexible job shop based on hybrid genetic algorithm and tabu search co-nsidering operation outsourcing and carbon emission[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2021, 157: 107318

[7] Binyuan Liang,Tongle Zhou,Yongwen Hu.Research and Innovative Methodology on Closed_loop Analysis &Improving Mechanism Based on Cost of Quality Sysetem[J].International Journal of Information and Management Sciences,2022,33(2):167-182.

[8] Yongwen Hu, Lixun Wang, Zejian Zhang. A Feasible Flow-based Algorithm for Solving Classic Assignment Problem with Bottleneck[J]. Journal of Electrical Systems,2024,20(2):770-776.

[9] 胡勇文,陈国华*,刘静. 最短时限指派问题的新决策方法[J].统计与决策,201935(05):46-50.

[10] 胡勇文, 陈国华*. (m, n, k) 指派问题的最小费用流模型及其算法[J]. 数学的实践与认识, 2017, 47(18): 162-170.


[1] 胡勇文,网络流最优化理论及算法[M].九州出版社,200千字,2018.

[2] 胡勇文.Efficient algorithms on sum of linear ratios with lower dimension. 中国原子能出版社,215千字,2019.

[3] 胡勇文.运筹学原理及方法[M].吉林大学出版社,280千字,2021.


[1] 胡勇文,陈国华,刘静,等. 基于原始对偶理论的应急物资调度方法[P]. 中国专利:ZL201810114508.22021-12-03.



2. 高档数控机床高精度补偿器研发关键技术与应用,襄阳市科技计划项目(基础研究),2022-2024,主持。



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