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发布日期:2024-09-13    作者:     来源:赢咖3     点击:

晏涛 男,赢咖3副教授,硕士生导师,澳门大学博士、博士后研究员。主要从事机器视觉、机器学习、智慧医疗、智能系统人工智能方向相关的研究工作目前主要的研究课题和研究兴趣集中在消化道疾病智能诊断系统开发方面,围绕这一方向,已申请省部级科研项目2项,市厅级科研项目1项,发表相关SCI收录论文8篇。E-mail: yantao@hbuas.edu.cn


[1] 20227-20246月,上消化道多病变多任务智能诊断系统(2022BCE034),湖北省2022年重点研发计划项目(大健康领域支持地方专项)(省部级),建设期,到账经费30万元主持。

[2] 20243-20263月,基于深度学习的食管病变白光内镜图像细粒度分类与多尺度分割方法研究2024AFB1054),湖北省2024自然科学基金面上项目(省部级),建设期,到账经费8万元主要负责人。

[3] 20228-20247月, 基于宽度学习的胃肠上皮化生智能诊断研究(2022YL05A)襄阳市2022年度医疗卫生领域科技计划重点项目(市厅级),建设期,到账经费2万元主持。


[1] Yan Tao, Wong Pak Kin*, Choi I Cheong, Vong Chi Man, Yu Hon Ho, Intelligent diagnosis of gastric intestinal metaplasia based on convolutional neural network and limited number of endoscopic images, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 126, 104026, 2020. SCI Q1.

[2] Wong Pak Kin, Yao Liang*, Yan Tao, Choi I Cheong, Yu Hon Ho, Hu Ying, Broad learning system stacking with multi-scale attention for the diagnosis of gastric intestinal metaplasia, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 73, 103476, 2022. SCI Q2.

[3] Lai Qi, Vong Chi Man*, Wong Pak Kin, Wang Shi Tong, Yan Tao, Choi I Cheong, Yu Hon Ho, Multi-scale Multi-instance Multi-feature Joint Learning Broad Network (M3JLBN) for Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia Subtype Classification, Knowledge-Based Systems, 249, 108960, 2022. SCI, Q1.

[4] Li Hongyan, Vong Chi Man*, Wong Pak Kin, Ip Weng Fai, Yan Tao, Choi I Cheong, Yu Hon Ho, A Multi-feature Fusion Method for Image Recognition of Gastrointestinal Metaplasia (GIM), Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 69, 102909, 2021. SCI, Q2.

[5] Wong Pak Kin, Chan In Neng, Yan Hao-Ming, Gao Shan, Wong Chi Hong, Yan Tao*, Yao Liang, Hu Ying, Wang Zhong-Ren, Yu Hon Ho. Deep learning based radiomics for gastrointestinal cancer diagnosis and treatment: A minireview. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 28.45, 6363, 2022. SCI Q2.

[6] Yan Tao, Qin Ye Ying, Wong Pak Kin*, et al. Semantic segmentation of gastric polyps in endoscopic images based on convolutional neural networks and an integrated evaluation approach. Bioengineering- Basel. 10.7,806,2023. SCI Q2.

[7] Yan Tao, Wong Pak Kin*, Qin Ye Ying, Deep learning for diagnosis of precancerous lesions in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: A review, World Journal of Gastroenterology, 27, 2531-2544, 2021. SCI Q2.

[8] Peixuan Ge, Tao Yan, Wong Pak Kin*, et al. Simultaneous Segmentation and Classification of Esophageal Lesions using Attention Gating Pyramid Vision Transformer, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, Accepted, 2024,SCI Q2.


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