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发布日期:2024-09-13    作者:     来源:赢咖3     点击:



(1) 连杆机构非整周期设计要求尺度综合的小波特征参数法,科学出版社,2022.01


(1) Sun Jianwei, Liu Wenrui*, Chu Jinkui. Synthesis of spherical four-bar linkage for open path generation using wavelet feature parameters. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2018, 128:33-46. (SCI一区Top期刊,通讯作者)

(2) Liu Wenrui, Sun Jianwei*, Zhang Bangcheng et al. Wavelet feature parameters representations of open planar curves. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 57:614-624. (SCI一区Top期刊,第一作者)

(3) Liu Wenrui, Sun Jianwei*, Chu Jinkui. Synthesis of a Spatial RRSS Mechanism for Path Generation Using the Numerical Atlas Method. Journal of Mechanical Design, 2020, 142(1):012303. (SCI三区期刊,第一作者)

(4) Liu Wenrui, Sun Jianwei*, Zhang Bangcheng et al. A Novel Synthesis Method for Nonperiodic Function Generation of an RCCC Mechanism. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2018, 10(3):034502. (SCI三区期刊,第一作者)

(5) Liu Wenrui, Zhao Yi, Qin Tao et al. Optimal synthesis of a spatial RRSS mechanism for path generation. Meccanica, 2023, 58: 255–285. (SCI三区期刊,第一作者)

(6) Liu Wenrui*, Qu Xiankun, Li Bo et al. Dimensional synthesis of motion generation of a planar four-bar mechanism. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 2024. (SCI三区期刊,第一作者)

(7) Sun Jianwei, Zhao Haoran, Liu Wenrui* et al. Design and analysis of bionic cobweb Umbrella-Type deployable mechanism. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 2023.51(9): 5106–5119. (SCI三区期刊,通讯作者)

(8) Liu Wenrui*, Qu Xiankun, Qin Tao et al. Dimensional synthesis of motion generation of a spatial RCCC mechanism. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2024, 46:41. (SCI四区期刊,第一作者)

(9) Liu Wenrui, Si Haotian et al. Dimensional synthesis of motion generation in a spherical four-bar mechanism. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 2024,48(1):94-106. (SCI四区期刊,第一作者)

(10) Zhang Wei, Liu Zhen, Liu Wenrui* et al. Dimensional synthesis of a spherical linkage crank slider mechanism for motion generation using an optimization algorithm. Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 14: 125–142. (SCI四区期刊,通讯作者)

(11) Sun Jianwei*, Liu Wenrui, Chu Jinkui. Dimensional Synthesis of Open Path Generator of Four-bar mechanisms Using the Haar Wavelet. Journal of Mechanical Design, 2015, 137(8):1027-1035. (SCI三区期刊)

(12) Sun Jianwei*, Liu Wenrui, Chu Jinkui. Synthesis of a Non-integer Periodic Function Generator of a Four-bar Mechanism Using a Haar Wavelet. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2016, 24(5):763-784. (SCI四区期刊)

(13) 刘文瑞, 孙建伟*, 褚金奎. 基于小波特征参数的平面四杆机构轨迹综合方法. 机械工程学报, 2019, 55(9):18-28. (EI收录)

(14) Liu Wenrui*, Qu Xiankun et al. Design of A Lower Limb Rehabilitation Training Robot Based on A Double Four-Bar Synchronous Motion Mechanism. ICIRA 2023: 540-551. (EI收录)

(15) Liu Wenrui*, Zhao Yi et al. Upper Limb Motion Rehabilitation Training Robot Based on a Spatial RRSS Rigid-Body Guidance Mechanism. ICIRA 2023: 552-564. (EI收录)

(16) Liu Wenrui, Sun Jianwei*, Chu Jinkui. Dimensional Synthesis of Non-periodic Function Generation of a Spatial RSSR Mechanism Using a Numerical Atlas Method. MeTrApp 2019, 79: 12–20. (EI收录)

(17) 刘文瑞*,司浩天,孙建伟. 非预定时标设计要求的球面四杆机构刚体导引综合方法研究. 机械传动,2024, 48(327): 45-51.


(1) 湖北省科技厅项目,基于连杆特征参数的空间连杆机构尺度综合计算机辅助设计专家系统的研究,项目编号:2022CFC035,主持。

(2) 吉林省教育厅重点项目,基于空间连杆机构的末端导引式康复机器人设计方法研究,项目编号:JJKH20220672KJ,主持。

(3) 国家自然科学基金项目,基于局部输出小波特征参数的连杆机构开区间尺度综合研究,项目编号:51775054,参与。

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